L. Martina Young relaunches her aesthetic-activist work integrating Myth, Oratory, and Somatic Knowing. She offers diverse communities, illuminating experiential workshops, and cultural critiques grounded in physical intelligence in order to set the stage for “a grammar of empathy.” Her animated film short, “How Swan Bridged the World,” is in development. Since 2000, Martina has maintained a “radical hospitality” space at her Artspace artist loft, The Lighthouse/Studio 5 O 2, located in the heart of Reno, Nevada’s downtown arts district. Former director of dance and a Humanities lecturer at the University of Nevada, Reno, Young is recognized as the solo dancer in Stevie Wonder’s music video, “Ribbon in the Sky” and choreographer-dancer in filmmaker Julie Dash’s Four Women set to the music of Nina Simone of the same title. For more information, please visit: apoeticbody.com.