Michael Koetters writes, “I was kicked out in 2002? It was after we all went into the kitchen after hours but I went out the wrong door and was caught; took the rap for everyone else’s gig. Kicked out on the street with a check for 13 grand or something. I bought a VW van and went cruising up the coast and down the coast, and in ‘95 I was talking in that movie in Seattle called Tie-died: Rock ‘n Roll’s Most Deadicated Fans. On the subway to see Jerry’s artwork when, next thing I knew, he had died and I had a baby boy by then. So I went trucking, of course. I drove two million miles in North America strapped to 80,000 lbs moving 70 mph, bouncing up and down all day and night. I finally stopped the madness and got a job as laser operator cutting steel so now seven babies later I don’t do that anymore either, and this song is all about me and not about you � I am living in rural Minnesota below the Mississippi headwaters by Smoke Mountains. If you are going between Fargo and Duluth you are passing my house in Osage Minnesota on Hwy 34, don’t honk at my green house.”