Mar Bethlehem checks in: “I continue along on a nomadic spiral path, and will be traveling to Central America, Japan, and Portugal in 2023 to perform my latest oracular interactive piece, The Grass Opera. A potent aspect of this work is engaging local communities to participate with an open call, as participants do not have to be dancers, performance artists, singers, traditional musicians, or trained in anything for that matter, to collaborate and bring the experience to life. Part consensual ceremony, part embodiment transmission, and part effervescent frequency brought down and up into and onto a thick here and now physical plane, this piece is an invitation to surrender. Also on my radar, and informing my creative work, are Qi Gong, the 11 steps of magic, Possibilities Management, Tamera Peace Research Center, and the following plants: aloe, mugwort, California poppy, and dried rose petals from my father’s memorial service that took place in September.”