Marc Smason studied classical and jazz trombone with Stu Dempster, Ken Cloud, Julian Priester, and Slide Hampton, and voice with Jay Clayton, Yo Jin Chong, and Ki Wasitodipuro. Based in Seattle, composing and playing for film, TV, theater, and dance, Marc has performed throughout the world, encompassing many styles, with such luminaries as Benny Green, The Funk Brothers, Julian Priester, The Mazeltones, Baby Gramps, Big Joe Turner, Carlos Santana, Sonny Simmons, Joe Henderson, Eddie Henderson, Sam Shepard, Buell Neidlinger, Rick Mandyck, Marc Graham, Joanne Klein, Andy Statman, Perry Robinson, Amy Denio, Michael White, Hadley Caliman, Jeff Johnson, Jay Thomas, Joe Bonner, Michael Bisio, Bert Wilson, and the Ivar’s Clams! Accepting students.