Sarah Schneiderman writes in, “On Nov. 2, 2021, I released the large-format edition of my book You’re Fired! I Quit! A Visual Commentary on the 45th Presidency of the United States of America. Following the 2016 presidential election, I was concerned about more garbage getting into the environment as a result of an administration that championed deregulation, incompetence, and, in some cases, blatant disregard for the agencies they were supposed to run. To process the chaos, crises, and catastrophes that seemed to unfold daily, I began a series of portraits of those involved. I show the results of my investigations in this book, You’re Fired! I Quit! The ordinary bits of refuse form a whole when viewed from a distance, but up close, one sees that I rendered the subjects from flotsam and jetsam—a maelstrom of mundane media, disposable yet enduring. The accompanying text chronicles the qualifications (or lack thereof) of an ever-changing cast of characters. The work reflects on whom and what occurred as we passed through this tumultuous era. And upon reflection, we must make sure we do all we can to keep the trash from fouling our waters. There is no time to spare. The book is available in this large-format edition (13 X 11 inches) through my website. The small edition (10 X 8 inches) is available through blurb. When in blurb, search my name to find all the formats including PDF and eBooks.”