Flenoit Webster (Art BFA 86) says,“When I left CalArts, I began working for a director named Marty Thomas, who just passed away last year. Marty was hired by Jerry Heller, and we shot what are known today as some of the West Coast’s most classic hip-hop/rap music videos. We’ve gathered a few nominations and provided programming to MTV, VH-1, BET, and Music Plus+. I’ve been working as an NGO/production assistant. My goal is to help young artists and scholars, so I have put my efforts toward creating events and programs to help raise funds to create media centers in Africa and Brazil and in urban sections of the United States. THE SOFOMU iFEST (Soul Food Music International Festival) is the answer. I’m inviting all interested CalArtians to participate in either the planning and execution phases or performance at the actual event, which will be held in Indio at the Riverside County Fairgrounds. I’ve also been working on anti-human trafficking efforts and attempting to bring awareness to the rise in the slave trade in Libya. Last year, we helped a young filmmaker and his group of 149 members get out of Libya to parts of southern Europe. I’m also set to begin works on documentaries and other media efforts that speak on human rights and works to solve issues. I’m always happy to read about the successes of other alumni. Until now, I never had much to say, but now it’s showtime, and I could use a hand!”