Robert Jacobson ’00 checks in to say, “I married my best friend, Michelle Lai, in Bali, Indonesia, in July 2018, where a number of CalArtians (including Tonya Tbird Ridgely ’99, Ben Zadan ’02, Agnes Chu ’00, and faculty, I Nyoman, and Nanik Wenten) joined us in celebration. Pak Wenten’s group from Sading performed over the cliffs of Uluwatu at sunset on the night after our wedding. As a founding crew member of Arch Mission Foundation, we placed several libraries into space including a solar library inside Elon Musk’s Tesla car, a copy of English Wikipedia on a satellite, and crash landed a 30 million-page library on the moon as part of an effort to back up Earth’s civilization. My first book, Space Money, will be released in Jan. 2020. I’m also releasing a podcast series titled “Brave New Space.” Most of my musical pursuits are focused on solo or small group settings that include the collaborative efforts of Linear Ghost. I also added oud to my family of instruments.”